RC CHICAGO Central House

Design and installation of NVF, TES, metal structures, clinker, LWM, ACP, granite, marble, panoramic glazing, glass fences, glass partitions and sliding doors, enamel door linings, storm sewages

A unique project in the center of Kyiv, in which SAGA development generated and the “Building Energy Alliance” implemented a bold combination of Chicago architecture and modern digital technologies. In the facade design of the residential complex, 10 different types of facades are used: HVF clinker, granite, marble, porcelain stoneware, ACP, LWM, wet clinker, wet granite, TES facade solution, TES window solution. And the zest of the object, which has officially become one of the Insta-symbols of Kyiv, and of the whole city, is the CUBE made of structural double-glazed windows.

Inside the transparent CUBE there is a digital sculpture that shows the invisible rhythm of the city on the screen:

  • - wind speed
  • - air temperature
  • - weather
  • - season
  • - illumination
  • - the number of pedestrians
  • - traffic flows

Media sculpture screens reproduce different data sets. The content is not patterned and does not repeat the image. The illumination of the CHICAGO Central House facade exists in symbiosis with sculpture and adjusts to the image on the screen.

The facades implementation at the Chicago Central House residential complex demanded from “Building Energy Alliance” serious design work, the willingness to expand the production base, and form a team of specialists capable of implementing such a complex project in every sense. Double-glazed windows weighing almost a ton, which need to be lifted to the 25th floor. Steel structure weighing 86 tons, which must be mounted on the roof of the building. Structures inside the CUBE, capable of carrying 120 tons of load. And 10 different types of facades, the symbiosis of which is realized within the project framework.